There is always a saying that, when you integrate substantial inputs day in, day out, it is very much certain about the fact that he or she is bound to reap rewards for the efforts that are embellished to perfection. We read inspirational stories in a bid to change our route map so that it would take us to an altitude of success.
We have heard the real-life story of how a bus conductor turned to Superstar of Indian film industry who is none other than the very own Rajnikanth. But, have you ever heard the route map of how a bus driver making giant strides in his career to become a great IPS officer?

Well, how many of us know that Sky is the limit for an individual? Mr.Sivasubramani proved anything in the world is possible and going even by the word ‘impossible’ says I’m possible.
Mr.Sivasubramani has achieved something incredible in his life which others can only dream of. The copious zest combined with a passion to become IPS Officer was his vision and much to his clear-cut intentions, he lived his dream.
Mr.Sivasubramani who worked as a bus driver in SSN College of Engineering has become as IPS officer. SSN Library was the major knowledge source for him to prepare for UPSC Exams. Currently, he is controlling the Maoist in Bolangir district of Odisha.
He studied at Wyckoff higher secondary school in Muttathur (Villupuram to Gingee). He was one of the brightest students there. On combining the process with both hard and smart work, he was able to get the better of himself day by day.
He is well determined and is an absolute force to reckon with. He empathises well in science and mathematics. Most importantly a very humble and honest guy (won’t bend rules). He was expected to be the topper but circumstances made it otherwise.