In every lucrative field these days, fitness is becoming an imperative factor and many Bollywood superstars or sports professionals have been spending lots of money on their body. Watching their favorite superstars having such a muscular and fit bodies even after their 50s, the youngsters of this generation too are getting inspired to do something similar.
Increase in demand for gym professionals and trainers is another fact that signifies the growing trend amongst the younger generation. But one thing has been disappointing over a very long period of time that our IPS officers, who clear so many physical and mental tests before getting selected. But once they get selected, they start losing their shape in the body.
But this IPS officer by the name Sachin Atulkar who has been recently appointed as the Superintendent in the state of Madhya Pradesh in Ujjain city. People are becoming spell bound watching his amazingly high fitness levels and wherever he goes, he becomes the center of attraction.
Sachin is in his early twenties and bagging a prominent position at the age of 22 speaks a lot about his dedication and zeal. He appeared for the exam just once and cracked it in the first go. His father was in the forest department and his brother is in army. He has also won many medals and trophies in the field of sports and along with that he has an active social life too.
By getting associated with a government related organisation, people often get a bit negligent with their health and fitness, but their aint the case with Sachin. He indeed is a true inspiration for those people who aspire to join the prestigious police department and serve the country with pride. His story also signifies a fact that fitness indeed plays a crucial role in a person’s success, let that be any field.